Kiara's Personal Fitness Program


Step one: Desire
Muscular Endurance

Step two: Belief
I know that i have people around to help me out.

Step three: Analyze where you are now
I weigh 120 and i want to more gain weight and muscle

Step four: Set Realistic goals
I want to gain more muscle & improve my leg strength by May 14.

Step five: Write your goals in detail

April 1-Start of my fitness workout

May 14-Deadline of my fitness workout

Step six: List the benefits.
I can walk more without wanting to sit down every 5 minutes. I can have toned legs and have more lower body strength.

Step seven: List the Obstacle
Not having weights
Being lazy

Step eight: What knowledge do you need reading food labels
read on your desire (mucular endurance)
sign up for a fitness cnetrer & read magazines

Step nine:  Make a Plan of Action

April 1st- 5 lbs

April 4th-15lbs

April 11th-20lbs

April 12th-25lbs

Step ten:

Sit-ups 3x15
Leg Extension 3x15
Bench Press 3x15

Calf Raises 3x30
Squats 3x15

Step eleven: i lifted 15lbs on Monday and by Friday i should be able to lift 30lbs.

Step twelve: Never Give Up
Work out even when you tired or lazy because inactivity causes heart problems and weight challenges.